(Heavy breathing) I had a recent run-in with the law and I’m in some serious trouble. I had to change my identity and get out of town quickly. I’ll give you an update when I get to a more secure location.
I was just messing around. I’m not in any trouble with the law. But I am skipping town partner. I think I’ve watched one too many western movies. I’ve been obsessed with them lately. (Mimic gun shooting)
So it’s official that I’m going to be moving. This place has a lot of great memories. Um, So bad ones too. But sticking with the good memories. It’s where I finished my college degree. I met a lot of great people. Many moved on. One in particular I became great friends with. And I’m so happy to have met this person. We have such a great connection. And if I had never moved here in the first place, I never would have met that person. So that is awesome. I’ve had a lot of great memories with this person and I hope to continue to have more memories. I also wrote the singles that I’ve currently released in this place. So that’s another amazing memory. Other than that, Um, I’m ready to move on.
So moving on to my next cover song. I’m gonna attempt Coldplay’s Trouble. It was a song that when I first heard it, I immediately fell in love with it. I am just such a huge fan of songs with very dominate piano parts. And I thought to myself, I hope that one day I can write a song like this that just moves someone emotionally the way that song moved me.
So the arranging for this cover song is progressing really nicely. I do have the instrumental master done at this point. And it turned out to be surprisingly interesting.
I wanted to point out that many times people think that when people do cover songs they are trying to make a version that is better than the original. And I’m in no way trying to do that. I’m really honestly just trying to create a version that is something with my own spin on it. People need to understand that when something is different, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it is better or worse, or wrong or right. Different is just different. So creating a different version of something doesn’t mean that it’s worst than the original or that it’s better than the original.
I know a lot of people say then when they hear my music they can tell that I have a good voice, but they can hear that I hold back. So I think that these covers songs are great for me in the sense that they are helping me to find my voice. That is there but just kind of hidden. So I really excited to do this one because, Number one: Because I love this song, but Number two: I am hoping that my voice continues to keep shinning through the more I do these. And hoping I can do the song some justice.
*Note: The instrumental master of my version of Coldplay’s Trouble is playing in the background of this video:)
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